The purpose Open Source PhDs is simple. Its objective is to write down the unwritten rules we have uncovered from successfully navigating the PhD process. From "quick tips" to "ignore at your own peril commandments," Open Source PhDs cover it all. Every year PhD students enter PhD programs with a relatively inaccurate view of what they are embarking on and what they will go through. And every year, PhD candidates successfully complete PhD programs with 20/20 vision of what they've embarked on and what they've been through. However, this clairvoyance is rarely passed down to the junior PhD students. For this reason, PhD students frequently end up making the same mistakes their predecessors made.
It really doesn't have to be this way.
This much we know to be true. So if you're looking for an "edge," this blog is the perimeter.
It really doesn't have to be this way.
This much we know to be true. So if you're looking for an "edge," this blog is the perimeter.